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Muscles: Biceps Femoris.

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Anatomy & Physiology: Muscles—Biceps Femoris, Long Head.


  • Long Head
    • Origin: ischial tuberosity of the pelvis, part of the sacrotuberous ligament.
    • Insertion: head of the fibula; lateral condyle of tibia.
  • Short Head
    • Origin: lower 1/3 of the posterior aspect (linea aspera) of the femur.
    • Insertion: head of the fibula; lateral condyle of tibia.


  • Concentric action: Long head—accelerate knee flexion, hip extension, and tibial external/lateral rotation. Short head— accelerate knee flexion and tibial external rotation.
  • Reverse mover action: contralateral rotation, ipsilateral elevation, and posteior tilt of pelvis. Thigh flexion, medial rotation.
  • Eccentric action: Long head—decelerates knee extension, hip flexion, and tibial internal/medial rotation. Short head— accelerate knee flexion and tibial external rotation.
  • Isometric action: stabilization of lumbo-pelvic hip complex and knee.
  • Innervation: tibial nerve from sciatic.
  • Arterial supply: Long head—inferior gluteal artery, perforating branches of deep femoral artery, obturator artery. Short head—perforating branches of deep femoral artery, popliteal artery.

Clinical Significance.



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