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Interviewing 4: Questions to Ask Your Target

You should always research your target school, its research opportunities, and who’s who in the department and staff. Some questions to start your brainstorming are as follows.

  • What do you enjoy most about being a Naturopath?
  • Why did you decide to become a Naturopath?
  • Was there anything you wish you knew before you became a Naturopath?
  • What challenges have you faced as a Naturopath?
  • What advice would you give someone about learning/navigating the business-end of practicing medicine, especially private-practice? 
  • How did you prepare for the NPLEX(Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Examinations)?
  • How do you see the ND field evolving in the next 5-10 yrs?
  • Is it difficult to obtain malpractice insurance?
  • Why did you decide to teach here?  What led you down this path?
  • How have you made naturopathic medicine your own…how did you carve out your niche?
  • Who inspired you to become a naturopath?
  • How is technology used to enhance learning–classroom and/or labs?
  • As a medical student, what were your biggest concerns or challenges?
  • As an instructor, what are the 3 greatest pitfalls you see students encounter?
  • What 3 pieces of advice would you give to an entering medical student?
  • Did you ever think of quitting teaching/medicine? Why?  What has kept you going?
  • List 3 areas in which pre-med students could be better prepared.
  • How would univesal healthcare affect naturopathic doctors?
  • What are 3 challenges facing the field of naturopathic medicine in the next 4 years?
  • What is your practice philosophy?
  • Has this school or any of its programs ever been on probation or had its accreditation revoked?Is the next accreditation visit for the ND program this winter/spring of 2019?Did the ND program conduct a self-study in preparation and would it be possible for you to share 3 key findings?Is a car necessary for clinical rotations?
  • What would you change about the program?
  • Do you expect any changes to the program in the next few years, especially changes that will affect the 2019 cohort?In what areas does the program need to improve?
  • What do you think is the strongest aspect of this naturopathic medicine program?
  • Why do you like this school?  Why do you like working here?
  • How has this program changed in the last 5 yrs?
  • How is technology used to enhance learning–classroom and/or labs? 
  • How would you describe the “culture” within the ND department?