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Interviewing 2: Styles

There are many styles of interviewing but let’s just touch on a few. You should be prepared for anything. So mentally, visualize different scenarios. Visualization exercises help a lot.

Open-file. This means that the people interviewing you have read your file/application packet extensively. They will definitely ask about different points that stand out to them.

Closed-file. The people interviewing you have not read your file/application packet. They will rely on what you tell them. They will be forming their opinions on how you represent yourself. They will read your file later, so what you say better be in agreement with what is in your file.

Partial-file. The people interviewing you skimmed or partially read your file/application packet.

1:1. One interviewer to one interviewee.

1:m. One interviewer to many interviewees. You’re going to have to pay attention to what other students say and respond appropriately. Support your colleagues. You’re also going to have to remember what questions was asked by the time you get your turn to answer.

M:1. Many interviewers to one interviewee. If you’re lucky, there will be 2:1—that’s just a conversation between 3 people and the least “scary”.

M:m. Many interviewers to many interviewees. This is trickier to remember everyone’s name, everyone’s response, and remember the question by the time it gets to you.