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Application Essay Tips

Are you working on medical/healthcare school application essays? Me too! Here are some general tips.

  • Stay organized. Create a folder for each school. Create a checklist. Get the soft and hard deadlines on your calendar!
  • Transcripts. If you have a diverse educational history, make a list of all the schools you have attended. This is important if you’ve had some “bumpy” undergraduate years. Each application will need a set of transcripts, but get a set for yourself as well.
  • Check your classes. Start making a checklist of classes that meet the application’s requirements.
  • Request a transcript audit. Start your application process as early as possible. Ask the prospective school’s admissions advisor to audit your transcript(s) to make sure you’re meeting all the requirements (plus any new requirements the school may have added).
  • Life Happens“. You will need to defend your life-choices; you will need to be accountable for how you’ve used your time and for the decisions you’ve made in all areas of life thus far. This is especially important if you’re a career-changer or an older student. Changes don’t have to be negative. You need to be able to tell people how “life” has shaped you, and what you’ve learned from all your experiences.
  • Be honest. I think it should be okay to admit, “Yeah I’ve screwed up a bit, but ______ experience has taught me ______.”
  • Never wait until the last minute.

We all dread essays. It takes you being honest with yourself and a lot of soul-searching. Don’t cut yourself down, yet don’t be an egomaniac either. Don’t make excuses. Own everything, good or bad. If you know students at your prospective school, ask them what essay questions they encountered.

Here are some links to help you with your essay writing: