Intro. I would like to ask you to please be my “practice client” with regards to the health-and-wellness coaching (HWC) part of my education. Working with clients is a crucial part of my training. Part of my exam will be an oral practical where I demonstrate the ability to help a client set goals in a 30 minute session.

A Wellcoaches Certification is the first step towards board-certification (National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching, or NBHWC). The NBHWC is an affiliate of the American Medical Association. In 1-2 yrs, I also hope to be eligible for the American College of Lifestyle Medicine Board Exams.

Duration/Time Commitment. This endeavor requires a minimum commitment of 4-6 sessions. The first session will be 60-75 minutes long. The remaining sessions are approximately 30-45 minutes long.

What if I have vacation plans? No worries. The sessions can be scheduled around your plans. The sessions don’t have to be strictly weekly. However, being “somewhat regular” is more beneficial to you and me.

Cost. FREE! The sessions are free. Any additional email correspondence is also free.

Wellcoaches School of Coaching will require me to submit:

  • Your wellness assessment questionnaire
  • Your wellness vision
  • Your 3-month goals (written up)
  • 4 sets of weekly goals

Privacy. The people “grading” me will be viewing this information. I wanted to be totally up-front about this (for privacy concerns). The purpose of this information is to see how well I’m doing as a coach.

In addition, I (Integrative Wellness and Movement) abide by Washington State law regarding HIPAA, client privacy, and age of consent. Please find that information here or download from here.

Ethics. Due to ethics, I am not allowed to “incentivize” or “reward” my practice clients for helping me in my education. I hope you understand. I appreciate your volunteering, your time, and your generosity!

Liability. While I’m still training and practicing with clients (for free), Wellcoaches School of Coaching covers my liability.

Health and Wellness Coaching (HWC)
Health and Wellness Coaching promotes personal discovery, growth, and optimal performance (e.g. work, home, etc.). A growth-promoting coach-client relationship is built on trust, honesty, and a partnership where the client is autonomous—in control and in the “driver’s seat”. The HWC approach uses (but not limited to): coaching science and psychology; positive psychology; behavior change psychology; self-determination theory; the transtheoretical model of change; and motivational interviewing. Coaching is not “therapy”.


Moore, M., Tschannen-Moran, B., & Jackson, E. (2016). Coaching psychology manual (2nd ed.). Wolters Kluwer, LWW.