Cultivate, Nurture, & Grow

Life Wheel ©2020 Shirley Chung

Integrated 360° approach. Integrative Wellness and Movement (IWM) uses an Integrated 360° approach to whole-person (body, mindset, & spirit) health, wellness, and fitness by considering and addressing all the different areas of life that can influence/impact a person’s well-being. The Integrated 360° is a multi-disciplinary and “team” approach (e.g. medical and allied health professionals) to address an individual’s health concerns, treat the root cause, and provide evidence-guided education on health, wellness, and fitness.

These areas may include: physical, mental, & emotional health; spirituality; school; work/career; family, friends & relationships; finance; personal development; community; contribution; environment; leisure/recreation.

Your health, wellness, and fitness are like a garden—developed over time and shaped by choices, actions, behaviors, habits, and lifestyle.

I would be honored to actively partner with you on your journey to reshape/re-balance your “garden”—helping you to reach your fullest potential. The body-mindset-spirit connection is key. Listen to your body! You cannot outsmart your body.

Cultivate-Nurture-Grow. Just like a garden that needs to be cultivated (preparing conditions that favor nourishment and growth), one needs to prepare to make changes that last or stick. Part of the preparation may include doing a “life-inventory” to see what is working and what is not working.

By definition, to nurture means to care for and promote/foster growth. It’s important to create a supportive network, learn self-care methods, and new life skills (including coping mechanisms) that will add to your toolbox. With a solid foundation, you’re ready to grow, to flourish, and to use your superpowers to help others!

IWM does not provide primary care or urgent care services. However, we would absolutely coordinate, communicate, and join your team of healthcare professionals with the goal of providing you with the best and most effective overall healthcare experience. IWM specializes in: nutrition/fitness/life coaching; movement as medicine; personal training; strength and conditioning; chronic pain management; stress management; sleep science; and athletic recovery.

Sessions typically involve taking a detailed health history (or health information update). Shirley will help to identify areas of the greatest concern so that those may be treated first. In addition to counseling “talking/conversational”) sessions, Shirley may recommend supporting lab work (e.g. requiring blood draw) or tests (e.g. food intolerance testing, gut microbiome testing). The therapeutic goal is to guide you on your journey to discover and become the best version of yourself through acquiring additional life management and self-care skills.

Changing your health-landscape takes time! Just like starting a new garden, long-lasting positive changes (and their positive effects) take time. It takes patience and perseverance through life’s ups and downs. As your guide and coach, I will not only strive to provide respectful authentic support and encouragement, but also teach you how to support yourself.

Two important qualities of changes are:

  • Sustainability. In order to change one’s health-landscape, one must gradually learn to make new choices to promote more healthful behaviors. One must learn new self-management techniques in order to make good things “stick”. Mindset and spirit can influence a series of strategic sustainable changes leading to positive and transformative adaptations.
  • Recovery-first. Our training focus is a “recovery-first” approach promoting durability, resiliency, robustness, and positive adaptations to stress/adversity. Adequate recovery of mindset-body-spirit is essential to physical, mental, and emotional health-wellness.

At IWM, we vigilantly seek to uplift and enhance the training of the mind, body, and spirit through lifelong education and discovering healthy, ethical, empowering transformative choices. We cultivate, nurture, and grow people. We believe in the power of the human spirit, our ability to grow the kind of inner character that can move mountains, and the kindness and generosity we all possess.

If you would like to read a more detailed practice philosophy, please click here.

In fitness and health, for that is true wealth,

Shirley Chung, M.S. Kinesiology, FMS Level 1 Certified, Pn2, NASM CPT-CES
Email integrativewellnessandmovement@gmail.com