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Bones: Fibula.

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Anatomy & Physiology: Bones—Fibula.



  • Parallel and lateral to the tibia. Is shorter and smaller than the tibia.
  • Does not articulate with femur.
  • Head (proximal) articulates with the tibial lateral condyle.
  • Lateral malleolus: distal end; articulates with talus. Easily observable and palpateable.







Clinical Significance.







Biel, A. (2015). Trail guide to the body: A hands-on guide to locating muscles, bones and more.

Cedars-Sinai. (2018). Vertebrae of the spine. Retrieved from

Jenkins, G., & Tortora, G. J. (2012). Anatomy and Physiology: From Science to Life, 3rd Edition International Stu. John Wiley & Sons.

Muscolino, J. E. (2017). The muscular system manual: The skeletal muscles of the human body.

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Bones: Femur.

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Anatomy & Physiology: Bones—Femur.



  • The largest, longest, strongest, and most massive bone of the body.
  • Head: articulates with the acetabulum of the LPHC (lumbo-pelvic hip complex).
  • Fovea capitis: a dimple-like depression on the femoral head.
  • Greater trochanter: prominence that is observeable and easily palpateable.
  • Lesser trochanter.
  • Interotrochanteric line: anterior line between the two trochanters.
  • Interotrochanteric crest: posterior line between the two trochanters.
  • Gluteal tuberosity.
  • Linea aspera.
  • Media condyle.
  • Lateral condyle.
  • Medial epicondyle: superior to the condyles.
  • Lateral epicondyle: also superior to the condyles.
  • Intercondylar fossa: posterior surface; depression between the condyles.
  • Patellar surface: anteriorly; a smooth area to allow for patella movement.








Clinical Significance.


  • Greater trochanter: Landmark for intramuscular injections.





Biel, A. (2015). Trail guide to the body: A hands-on guide to locating muscles, bones and more.

Cedars-Sinai. (2018). Vertebrae of the spine. Retrieved from

Jenkins, G., & Tortora, G. J. (2012). Anatomy and Physiology: From Science to Life, 3rd Edition International Stu. John Wiley & Sons.

Muscolino, J. E. (2017). The muscular system manual: The skeletal muscles of the human body.

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Bones: Clavicle.

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Anatomy & Physiology: Bones—Clavicle.



  • The clavicle is long, flattish, and has a slight S-shape curve to it (but it isn’t as pronounced as one may think).
  • Easily observed with the naked eye and also easily palpateable.
  • Sternal end: the medial end of the clavicle articulates with the manubrium. The sternal end may be identifed as it is “blunt” and fairly straight-edged as compared to the acromial end.
  • Acromial end: the lateral and more rounded end (almost spoon-like shape) that articulates with the scapula.
  • Superior view: (bird’s eye view looking down) from the medial/sternal end, the clavicle is slightly concave anteriorly. Proceeding laterally towards the acromial end, the curve changes to slightly convex anteriorly. The superior surface both appears and feels a bit smoother than the inferior side.
  • Inferior view: the bone is rougher.


Clinical Significance.

  • The midregion of the clavical where one part of the “S” curve transitions to the other is the weakest point of the clavical. Fractures often occur in this region.
  • Falling poorly (i.e. with arms outstretched) and a superior-anterior blow may fracture the clavicle.


Biel, A. (2015). Trail guide to the body: A hands-on guide to locating muscles, bones and more.

Cedars-Sinai. (2018). Vertebrae of the spine. Retrieved from

Jenkins, G., & Tortora, G. J. (2012). Anatomy and Physiology: From Science to Life, 3rd Edition International Stu. John Wiley & Sons.

Muscolino, J. E. (2017). The muscular system manual: The skeletal muscles of the human body.