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Bones: Skull, temporal.

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Anatomy & Physiology: Bones—Skull, Temporal Bone.



  • Forms the inferior lateral side and part of the floor of the cranial cavity.
  • Zygomatic process: is a slender (and slightly inferior) part of the temporal bone that projects anteriorly to articulate with the temporal process of the zygomatic (cheek) bone. On its inferior and posterior surface, the zygomatic process has a socket (mandibular fossa) where it articulates with the mandible. Together they form the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).
  • Zygomatic arch: the complex formed by the zygomatic process of the temporal bone and zygomatic bone.
  • External auditory meatus: the ear canal which is inferior to the zygomatic process.
  • Mastoid process: a stubby, rounded protrusion inferior and posterior to the ear canal. It’s an important attachment point for many neck muscles.
  • Styloid process: is a small, thin, pointed (almost needlelike) projection (pointing anteriorly) inferior and anterior to the ear canal. It’s an attachment point for muscles and ligaments of the neck and tongue. The styloid process is better viewed from underneath the skull.
  • Stylomastoid foramin: located between the mastoid and styloid processes (also viewed from underneath the skull) is a hole for a nerve that controls facial muscles.
  • Foramin lacerum: formed (viewed from underneath the skull) between the temporal bone, sphenoid bone, and occipital bone.
  • Carotid foramin: on the underside of the skull.
  • Jugular foramin: on the underside of the skull, the temporal bone and occipital bone form this passageway.
  • Petrous portion: interior of the skull and on the cranial floor, there is a ridge (like a mountain range) bordering the temporal and occipital bones. This petrous portion contains the internal and middle ear structures—hearing and equilibrium. The internal auditory meatus is the hole in the petrous portion.





Clinical Significance.




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Muscolino, J. E. (2017). The muscular system manual: The skeletal muscles of the human body.