- abdomi: referring to abdomen
- acou: hear
- adip: fat
- adeno: referring to gland
- alb: white
- alges: pain
- andr: male
- angi: referring to vessel
- aqua: water
- arterio: referring to artery
- arthro: joint
- asphixia: lack of oxygen or excess of carbon dioxide
- asthen: weak
- audi: to hear
- auto: self
- blasto: referring to germ or cell
- blepharo: referring to eyelid
- brachii: arm
- bronch: windpipe
- bucc: cheek
- bursa: pouch or sac
- calc: stone; heel
- callus: hard, thick skin; meshwork of connective tissue
- capit: head
- carcin: cancer
- card: heart
- cardio: of or relating to the heart
- cardiologist: heart specialist
- carpus: wrist
- caud: tail
- cente: to puncture (usually a body/cavity)
- cephal: head
- cerebro: brain
- cervico: neck or uterine cervix
- chole: referring to bile
- chondro: cartilage
- cili: eyelid
- cleido: clavicle
- colo: of or relating to the the colon
- costo: referring to rib
- cranio: skull
- cubitus: elbow
- cut: skin
- cycl: circle or cycle
- cysto: of or relating to the bladder
- cyto: pertaining to a cell
- dento: of or relating to the teeth
- dermo/dermato: of or relating to the skin
- digi: finger or toe
- dors: back
- ede: swelling
- encephalo: of or relating to the brain
- end: inside
- entero: of or relating to the intestines
- esthesio: sensation or perception
- febre: fever
- flex: bend
- foramen: opening or hole
- fract: break
- gastro: of or relating to the stomach
- gest: carry, produce, congestion
- gingivo: of or relating to the gums
- glosso, linguo: of or relating to the tongue
- gno: know
- gyn/gyne: female, woman
- hem, hemat, hemo, emia: of or relating to blood
- hepato: of or relating to the liver
- hystero, metro: of or relating to the uterus
- idi: separate, distinct
- ilio: ilium
- iodo: iodine
- lachry, lacri: tears
- lact: milk
- lingu: tongue
- lipo: fat
- lympho: lymph
- masto, mammo: of or relating to the breast
- men: month
- meningo: membrane
- metric: length
- myelo: spinal cord
- myo: muscle
- myopathy: damage to the muscle
- naso: nose
- neuro: nerve
- nephro nephrene: of or relating to the kidney
- oculo: eye
- odonto: tooth
- oophoro: of or relating to the ovaries
- opthalmo: eye
- orchido: of or relating to the testes
- oss, osteo: of or relating to the bones
- oto: ear
- ov: egg
- ped: child or foot
- percuss: to examine by tapping/striking gently
- phago: related to eating, ingesting, or engulfing
- pharyngo: related to the throat or pharynx
- phlebo, veno: of or relating to the veins
- phot, photo: light
- pleur: rib, side
- pneuo, pulmo: of or relating to the lungs
- pod: foot
- procto: of or relating to the the anus/rectum
- psycho: pertaining to the mind
- pto: fall
- ptyal: saliva
- pulmo: referring to the lung
- pur, pyo: pertaining to pus
- pyelo: relating to kidney or pelvis
- pyr, pyro: fire
- ren: kidney
- rhino: of or relating to the nose
- salpingo: of or relating to the fallopian tubes
- sangui, sanguin: blood
- sect: cut
- sepsis: presence of microorganisms/toxins in the blood; or the toxic condition caused by
- sept: wall, divider; seven
- sinus: cavity, channel, hollow space
- soma, somat: body
- spas: draw, pull
- spir: coil
- stasis: slowing/stopping of the normal flow of fluid
- sterno: sternum
- stoma: any small opening on the surface of the body; opening created in the abdominal wall
- stomato: of or relating to the mouth
- tact: touch
- tetra: four
- therm: heat
- thoraco: referring to the chest
- tom: cut
- trich: hair
- ur: urine
- varic: varicose vein
- vaso: referring to vessel
- viscer: organ
- xen: foreign [material]
- xer: dry
Bliven, K. (2014, May 29). KINE 5003: Functional anatomy, terminology [PDF].
Des Moines University, Matz, D., & Dyche, W. (n.d.). Online Medical Terminology Course. Retrieved from https://www.dmu.edu/medterms/
Jenkins, G., & Tortora, G. J. (2012). Anatomy and Physiology: From Science to Life, 3rd Edition International Stu. John Wiley & Sons.
Medical Terminology [PDF]. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://samples.jbpub.com/9780763779306/Medical%20Terminology.pdf