Hibiscus (Plantae, Malvales, Malvaceae, Malvoideae, Hibisceae, Hibiscus L.).
Can you believe that there are approximately 679 species of Hibiscus? Wow! Hibiscus are tropical deciduous shrubs/trees that can grow as big as 15 feet tall with 6 inch diameter flowers. Typical flower colors range from yellow, orange, to red. Hummingbirds and butterflies are attracted to these flowers.
The Art.
Goto and do a search for “hibiscus”. Pixabay is an excellent resource for images and vector art for personal and commercial use. Select a reference photo of the flower such as this one
How to Begin Tip.
I looked at a lot of hibiscus flower pictures online because I find them so beautiful. When I begin, I try to simplify things. I noticed that they have 5 petals that are regularly spaced. If you draw a line down the middle of each petal, these “lines” would occur every 72 degrees–a circle has 360 degrees, and 360 / 5 = 72. Of course, we don’t have to be that exact. It is just useful to makes these types of observations. Then I just made a quick sketch trying to capture the basic shapes of the flower. If you look at a lot of hibiscus pictures on the Internet, you’ll notice special characteristics of different species. Start with the basic shape, and then modify it from there! Below is my quick sketch. I’ve left my construction lines (guide lines) in so that you can see.

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