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- ā: before
- āā: of each
- abd: abdomen
- ABG: arterial blood gas
- ac: before meals
- ACLS: advanced cardiac life support
- ad lib: as much as desired
- ADL: activities of daily living
- AED: automated external defibrillator
- AF: atrial fibrillation
- AK: above the knee
- AKA: above the knee amputation
- A-line: arterial line
- AMA: against medical advice
- amb: ambulatory
- AMI: acute myocardial infarction
- AMS: altered mental status
- ant: anterior
- AOx4: alert and oriented to person, place, time, and self
- AP: anteroposterior, front-to-back, action potential, angina pectoris, anterior pituitary, arterial pressure
- APC: atrial premature complex, activated protein C, aspirin-phenacetin-caffeine
- Aq: water
- ARDS: adult respiratory distress syndrome
- ASA: aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid)
- ASHD: arteriosclerotic or atherosclerotic heart disease
- AV, A-V: atrioventricular, arteriovenous
- BBB: bundle branch block
- bid: twice daily
- BKA: below the knee amputation
- BM: bowel movement
- BP: blood pressure
- BS: blood sugar, breath sounds, bowel sounds
- BSA: body surface area
- bx: biopsy
- c (with bar over): with
- CA: cancer, cardiac arrest, chronologic age, coronary artery, cold agglutinin
- CABG: coronary artery bypass graft
- CAD: coronary artery disease
- CBC: complete blood count
- cc: cubic centimeter
- CC or C/C: chief complaint
- CCU: coronary care unit
- CHF: congestive heart failure
- c/o: complaining of
- CO: cardiac output, carbon monoxide
- COLD: chronic obstructive lung disease
- COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- CP: chest pain, chemically pure, cerebral palsy
- CRT: capillary refill time, cathode-ray tube
- CSF: cerebrospinal fluid
- CSM: carotid sinus massage, cerebrospinal meningitis
- CVA: cerebrovascular accident
- CVP: central venous pressure
- CXR: chest x-ray
- D&C: dilation and curettage
- D/C: discontinue
- diff: differential
- dig: digoxin
- DM: diabetes mellitus
- DOA: dead on arrival
- DOE: dyspnea on exertion
- DOS: dead on scene
- DPT: diphtherial, pertussis, and tetanus toxoids vaccine
- DSD: dry sterile dressing
- DtaP: diphtheria tetanus toxoids, and acellular pertussis vaccine
- DTP: diphtheria, tetanus toxoids, and pertussis vaccine
- DTs: delirium tremens
- DVT: deep venous thrombosis
- D5W: dextrose 5% in water
- Dx: diagnosis
- EDC: estimated date of confinement
- ET: endotracheal tube, endotracheal
- ETOH: ethyl alcohol
- ETT: endotracheal tube
- FIO2: fractionof inspired oxygen
- FBS: fasting blood sugar
- FHR: fetal heart rate
- FHT: fetal heart tones
- FHx: family history
- fL: femtoliter
- fl: fluid
- fld: fluid
- fx: fracture
- GB: gallbladder
- gr: grain
- GSW: gunshot wound
- gtt: drop(s)
- GTT: glucose tolerance test
- GU: genitourinary
- (H): hypodermic
- H: hypodermic
- H&H: hemoglobin and hematocrit
- H&P: history and physical
- H/A: headache
- Hb: hemoglobin
- Hct: hematocrit
- Hgb: hemoglobin
- HH: hiatal hernia
- HPI: history of present illness
- hs: at bedtime
- HTN: hypertension
- Hx: history
- I&O: intake and output
- IC: intracardiac, inspiratory capacity irritable colon
- ICP: intracranial pressure
- IDDM: insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
- IM: intramuscular
- IO: intraosseuous
- IPPB: intermittent positive pressure breathing
- JVD: jugular venous distention
- KUB: kidneys, ureters, and bladder
- KVO: keep vein open
- LAC: laceration laparoscopic-assisted colectomy
- LE: lower extremity, left eye, lupus erythematosus
- LLL: left lower lobe of the lung
- LLQ: left lower quadrant of the abdomen
- L/M: liters per minute
- LMP: last menstrual period
- LOC: level of consciousness
- LPM: liters per minute
- LR: lactated Ringer’s
- LSD: lysergic acid diethylamide
- LUL: left upper lobe of the lung
- LUQ: left upper quadrant of the abdomen
- MAE: moves all extremities
- MAEW: moves all extremities well
- MAP: mean arterial pressure
- mcg: microgram
- MCL: midclavicular line, modified chest lead
- mEq: milliequivalen
- MI: myocardial infarction
- MICU: mobile intensive care unit; medical intensive care unit
- MS: morphine sulfate
- MSO4: morphine sulfate
- MVA: motor vehicle accident
- MVC: motor vehicle crash
- MVP: mitral valve prolapse
- N: normal
- NA, N/A: not applicable
- NAD: no apparent distress, no appreciable disease
- NC: nasal cannula
- NG: nasogastric
- NIDDM: non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
- NKA: no known allergies
- NKDA: no known drug allergies
- NPA: nasopharyngeal airway
- NPO: nil per os (nothing by mouth)
- NS: normal saline
- NSR: normal sinus rhythm
- NTG: nitroglycerin
- N/V: nauseaand vomiting
- N/V/D: nausea, vomiting, and diarhhea
- NVD: neck vein distention
- OBS: organic brain syndrome
- OP: outpatient
- OPA: oropharyngeal airway
- OS: left eye
- OU: both eyes
- p (with bar over): after
- pc: after meals
- PE: pulmonary embolism, physical examination
- PEA: pulseless electrical activity
- PEARL: pupils equal and reactive to light
- PEEP: positive end expiratory pressure
- PERL: pupils equal and reactive to light
- PERRL: pupils equal, round, and reactive to light
- PID: pelvic inflammatory disease
- PND: paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
- po: per os (by mouth)
- PO: post operative
- PRN: pro re nata (as needed)
- PSVT: paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
- pt: patient
- PTA: prior to admission, plasma thromboplastin antecedent
- PTT: partial thromboplastin time
- PVC: premature venricular complex, polyvinyl chloride
- PVD: peripheral vascular disease
- q: every
- qd: every day
- qh: every hour
- quid: four times a day
- qod: every other day
- RA: rheumatoid arthritis, right atrium
- RAD: reactive airway disease, right axis deviation
- RHD: rheumatic heart disease
- RL: Ringer’s lactate
- RLL: right lower quadrant of the abdomen
- R/O: rule out
- RUL: right upper lobe of the lung
- RUQ: right upper quadrant of the abdomen
- Rx: prescription
- s (with bar over): without
- SC: subcutaneous, secretory component
- SICU: surgical intensive care unit
- SL: sublingual
- SOB: shortness of breath
- SQ: subcutaneous
- ss: half
- S/S: signs and symptoms
- SubQ: subcutaneous
- SVT: supraventricular tachycardia
- Sx: symptoms
- sym: symptoms
- tab: tablet
- TBA: to be admitted
- TIA: transient ischemic attack
- tid: three times a day
- TKO: to keep open
- TPR: temperature, pulse, respiration
- Tx: treatment
- U: unit
- UA: urinalysis
- UE: upper extremity
- URI: upper respiratory infection
- VS: vital signs
- WNL: within normal limits
- x (with bar over): except
- ↑ (up arrow): increased
- ↓ (down arrow): decreased
- Ø (zero with diagonal slash): no, not, none
- ® (R inside a circle): right
- Ⓛ (L inside a circle): left
- ~ (tilde): approximately
- x2: times two
- Δ : change
Bliven, K. (2014, May 29). KINE 5003: Functional anatomy, terminology [PDF].
Des Moines University, Matz, D., & Dyche, W. (n.d.). Online Medical Terminology Course. Retrieved from
Jenkins, G., & Tortora, G. J. (2012). Anatomy and Physiology: From Science to Life, 3rd Edition International Stu. John Wiley & Sons.
Medical Terminology [PDF]. (n.d.). Retrieved from